To use this feature, your application must identify API consumers by providing a unique consumer identifier for each request. Check out the setup guide for your framework to learn more (it’s easy!).

Consumers overview

Understanding how different consumers interact with your API, which endpoints they use, what errors they encounter and the latencies they experience can yield meaningful insights.

The Consumers page lists all identified API consumers, including traffic sparkline graphs for a quick overview of traffic patterns, error rates and the time of the last request. From there, you can click through to the traffic dashboard filtered to requests from a specific API consumer or consumer group.

Traffic dashboard filtered to an API consumer

Managing consumers

Consumers are automatically created when Apitally receives data for API requests associated with a new consumer identifier. A name is generated based on that identifier, but you can change it to make it more meaningful.

You also have the option to hide consumers if they are no longer of interest and you don’t expect any further API requests from them. If your API receives requests from a hidden consumer, it will be unhidden automatically.

Consumer groups

In addition to analyzing individual API consumers, you have the option to create and analyze groups of consumers. For example, if you have both internal and external API consumers, you could create two groups to understand their API usage separately.

Create consumer group dialog

Each API consumer can only be assigned to one group at a time. Assigning a consumer to a new group will remove it from their current group.

You can choose between viewing individual API consumers and consumer groups on the Consumers page using the toggle at the top of the page.

The traffic dashboard includes a filtering option for consumer groups too.