Apitally keeps track of all requests handled by your API and provides insights into the overall traffic as well as the usage of each endpoint. On the Traffic dashboard you can analyze requests for various time ranges, from just the last hour up to the last 12 months.

Key API metrics

The following key metrics are presented on the traffic dashboard:

  • Number of successful and failed requests
  • Requests per minute (RPM)
  • Error rate
  • Data transferred (received and sent)

By clicking on the metrics at the top you can toggle between different charts showing how each metric has been trending over time.

Filtering options

The dashboard provides the following filtering options:

  • By environment (e.g. prod or dev)
  • By API consumer or consumer group
  • By endpoint group (a set of endpoints sharing a common path prefix)

Endpoints table

The traffic dashboard includes a table showing all endpoints of your API along with the above mentioned metrics specific to each endpoint. This allows you to get a quick overview of the usage of each endpoint.

The table is ordered by the number of requests by default, so the most frequently used endpoint is at the top. You can search and sort the table by any of the other metrics too.

A red triangle with an exclamation mark next to the error rate indicates that server errors have occurred in that endpoint.

Clicking on an endpoint in this table opens up a modal with further endpoint insights.

Excluding endpoints

If your application includes health check endpoints (or similar) that are called automatically and frequently, you may want to exclude all those requests from API metric calculations, as they can mask insights about traffic from real API consumers.

Simply select Exclude Endpoint from the dropdown menu in the endpoints table (the button with three vertical dots on the right).

Endpoints marked as excluded are also hidden in the endpoints table, unless you select Show excluded endpoints at the bottom of the table.